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  • Aly Document Analyzer – puts your mind at ease.

    With Aly Document Analyzer, the quality of your documents is guaranteed. Our electronic, automated document comparison is state-of-the-art.

What is Aly?

Our Aly Document Analyzer software is activated at the end of your process chain to check the finished documents before they go into print or e-dispatch. Aly compares documents electronically, quickly, and precisely, ensuring that the new version compares to the reference version exactly as it should.

How does an Aly comparison work?

By configuring the changes you want to see, you can find unexpected changes to your business documents—simply and clearly. Only pages showing unintended changes are retained.

Your Benefit

Automated testing with Aly means greater flexibility for your company. Changes and migrations are made much easier, meaning that you can face new technologies with peace of mind.
  • Cost and time savings
  • Accurate and understandable results
  • Higher quality
  • 100% accuracy
  • 100% coverage
  • Safety through automated testing
Our Docolution consultants are there for you, ensuring that your written communication always works—reliably and effectively. Together, we develop tailor-made solutions based on industry standards for your written customer communication. 

Want to know more?

The Task

  1. The first step is to define and exclude tolerable differences from the comparison through configuration (“ignore”).
  2. In a second—optional—step, desired changes are defined. The configuration through Aly ensures that the changes are reflected in the target documents (“exchange”).
  3. Aly’s results show only pages with unintended changes. These changes are visibly marked on the document. All other pages are fine and ready for use.

How It Works

Automated document comparison ensures the quality of your documents and prevents errors. This does away with time-consuming manual control. Aly can effortlessly process high document volumes, resulting in greater flexibility for you

Changes and migrations are made much easier, meaning that you can face new technologies with peace of mind.

In this video, we briefly explain electronic document comparison using Aly document analyzer.

Aly ‒ Components & Integration Options

  1. Aly Proof Engine – Basic Module. Document testing via command line (core components).
  2. Aly Reader  – Interpretation of document format. At least one reader is required.
  3. Aly Module – Functional Extensions. Optional, depending on requirements.